Wednesday, June 11, 2014

We've Been Busy

Oh how much has changed in the (almost) two years since last writing here.

Sunil completed his degree and is now a PhD! It felt like forever getting there, but last April (2013) he defended his dissertation and became Dr. Patel. We had a party in late April, and he walked in early May.

The summer of 2013 was insanely busy. Two old and very dear friends were getting married within two months of each other (August and October)...and they are also sisters. There were wedding showers and bachelorette parties to attend, plus another friend's baby shower - all in Austin. My co-workers were beginning to wonder if I was planning a move down there.

Once the last wedding was finished we were able to take a deep breath...but not for long. The entire drive home from Austin that late October Sunday was miserable. I couldn't shake my hangover (it was a fun reception). I couldn't even eat dinner. Then the same thing all day Monday. Waves of "ugh." And again Tuesday. Then, when I started crying over The Elf, Sunil went to the grocery store down the street and came back with champagne and a home pregnancy test.


It was October 29th.

I had an appointment that Friday, November 1st, with my OB. I was six weeks and one day pregnant. We told ourselves we would keep it quiet for a little while. Then we got home. And told everyone by the end of the following day.

So we've been on Baby Adventure mode ever since. We had to replace that wall we tore down between two of the rooms. And got a bigger and better closet out of it. We've had four baby showers (!). We've completed the registry. We've got a baby doll we (well, I) tote around sometimes to get the dogs comfortable with the idea. We've got frozen pasta sauce prepared for Sundays. We are ready. As ready as we will ever be.

And now we are waiting.

An Ultrasound

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